
In a small pond overgrown with reeds, three friends live: a duckling, a little crocodile, and a hedgehog. Their names are Dolly, Croco, and Poco, respectively. They are taking their first steps in life, participating in exciting adventures. The friends constantly face difficult problems and unexplained phenomena, which they are not yet able to understand on their own. Therefore, they use their gadgets connected to the Internet for help.
However, one day, due to a strong wind, the mobile communication tower broke down. As a result, Croco, Dolly, and Poco are left without a source of information. To help them, an old water turtle named Greta, who also lives in the same pond, comes to their aid. She doesn’t use any electronic devices and gets all her knowledge from her Book of Knowledge.
With her help, Greta begins explaining to the trio all the things they don’t understand, including various events and phenomena of nature.
Alongside Dolly, Croco, and Poco, there are other animals living in the pond: the owl Lotta, the little frog Kwak, the camel Willy, and the chick of the marsh heron, Punto. Together, they all take part in amusing stories.

Technical Data

Format: 52 episodes, each 7 minutes long
Genre: Fantasy Animation
Target Audiences: +3
Technology: 3D
Year: 2025
Country of Production: Turkey, Canada
Available Languages: English
Story & Idea by: Hossein Mazloom
Production Company: Asoric, Picotion

Cast & Crew


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