Inside IGN’s Best Video Game Trailers of All Time Part 1

Inside IGN’s Best Video Game Trailers of All Time (Part 1/4)

Video game trailers are more than just marketing tools. They are an art form that captures almost all of a game’s essence, excitement, and emotion in a few minutes or even seconds. They can make us laugh, cry, or even scream in anticipation.
They can also influence our decision to buy or play a game or even change our perception of it. Since IGN is a prominent go-to source for games and we make video game trailers, we decided to go to their 2019 article (Best Video Game Trailers of All Time) and explore why these trailers are still memorable today.

Be sure to check out the original article written collectively by IGN’s editors and staff. They have compelling reasons to believe these were the best video game trailers ever! While they succinctly describe why they think these have stood the test of time, we’ll try to take a closer look.

In the first of this four-article series, we’ll look deeper into trailers for Metal Gear Solid 2, Dead Island, Halo Reach, and Mass Effect 2.

Let’s dive in!

Metal Gear Solid 2: Reveal Trailer, E3 2000

Now, it’s safe to say that most titles in the Metal Gear series were highly anticipated in their time. Among these, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and its trailer are favorites to this day. The game itself still has replay value, even on the good old PlayStation 2. A compelling narrative, groundbreaking gameplay (for its time), heroic music, and many more factors make it a supremely memorable experience.

But what’s so great about the trailer? Watch it below, then we’ll discuss two main characteristics of it:

All In-Game Visuals

MGS2 was announced a year before, and this is a gameplay reveal trailer. (Take a look at our complete guide to game trailers for the trailer types.)

You’re recommended to use as much game footage as you have for gameplay reveals. Konami has taken this advice to heart and used only in-game visuals. Sure, the camera moves more freely for cinematic or dramatic effect, and the title cards aren’t from the game, but that’s all. This is the trailer that many believe played a significant role in PlayStation 2 sales.

Groovy Narrative

The trailer’s narrative structure follows the best practice: a cold open, introduction, escalation, and climax. Everything in it is thought-out, from the haunting song in the opening that warns you not to be bored to the epic beats as the action unfolds.
One interesting detail about the narrative is the end when a soldier wakes up another who was previously sedated. It might seem random, but it serves two purposes to put this among the coolest video game trailers:

  1. It leaves the audience with a smile and a good feeling toward the production, and
  2. It’s just like Hideo Kojima, perfectly aligning with the brand image. You know what we mean if you’ve played as Snake or follow Hideo Kojima’s productions up to his latest podcast!

Dead Island: Reveal Trailer, 2011

Many gamers and professionals argue that this trailer was much better than the game itself! Dead Island is a post-apocalyptic RPG game that, in the end, only received lukewarm to positive reviews. On the other hand, the trailer is considered a truly masterful production.

The trailer is deemed so notable that it has its own Wikipedia page, according to which it was watched over 1 million times a week after its release and even led to adjustments in the game. Perhaps our disappointment at the game was because the trailer had raised our expectations so high!

Watch it below, then we’ll delve into the specifics:

Reverse Narrative

Starting at a point of tragedy, the trailer rewinds, in slow motion, to a time when it hadn’t happened. It’s one of the first things you notice, but it keeps you dazed in your seat for the whole three minutes.
It has excellent narrative value because of the psychological effect, the dread you feel at the beginning, the horror you witness throughout, and even a newfound dread at the end where you might not even want to see how “normal” looked like and how exactly it was going to be ripped away.

Powerful Music

The trailer’s music intensifies everything.
Piano and violin are traditionally listened to in peaceful combinations, but they make a well-crafted oxymoron with the horrific visuals. It’s an original production solely for the trailer by Giles Lamb, who has also composed the game’s soundtrack.

Dead-On Sound Effects

The trailer’s effect is compounded even further when you take in the sound effects that occasionally intrude on the music.
Even if you close your eyes to shield yourself from the horror and enjoy the peaceful music, the trailer occasionally bombards you with the sounds to keep you in perpetual shock.

Halo Reach: Deliver Hope Trailer, 2010

Of the eighteen trailers IGN has commended, three are from the Halo series. It makes sense. The series is so popular that almost every PlayStation fan has considered getting an Xbox at least once. Every title in the series has featured impressive gameplay, superior world-building, and more.

The game has received overwhelmingly positive reviews and was named Shooter Game of the Year by GameSpy, along with other awards and nominations.

This trailer is part of a larger “Remember Reach” marketing campaign run for Halo: Reach (2010). It goes perfectly with the other campaign videos and is a shining example of how a trailer can live up to a game or vice versa. Watch its original 1-minute version below:

Unstable Perspective

Despite the previous examples with cold opens, this trailer shoots us straight into a battlefield. Then, instead of maintaining a steady point of view, the camera shuttles back and forth from first person to third person. (The extended version even goes to different first persons.)

This technique does three things:

  1. It acknowledges that you already know how the battle goes down and that you’re a third person who wasn’t on Reach then.
  2. It puts you in Noble Team’s shoes as they go through the nightmare.
  3. It also adds an element of instability to the battle, like how the mind wanders in distress.

Attention to Details

Upon a critical rewatch, it’s clear that the trailer has taken a lot of time and effort. That’s true; Bungie Studios, Agency 215, Legacy Effects, Method Studios, and Microsoft all had a say in it. Stunning visuals, dynamic movements, professional cinematic cuts, and how everything fits in the larger storyline make this one of the best video game trailers ever.

Just as an example, rewind to second 24. Maybe pause to see all the painful details, but also note that a considerable amount of smoke comes out from around Kat’s right shoulder, possibly from an armor malfunction. This is the Battle of Fumirole. If you know, you know!

Mass Effect 2: Launch Trailer, 2010

Here’s another game with an overwhelmingly positive reception! Mass Effect 2 is a BAFTA “Best Game” winner with tens of other awards and nominations. It’s the most popular installment in the Mass Effect trilogy and follows a worthy predecessor.

The trilogy has been consistently praised for its extensive storytelling and amazing gameplay. According to How Long to Beat, it takes approximately 50 hours to get through every quest in the game with a single set of choices, excluding the DLCs.
Due to universal acclaim, the trilogy also got a complete makeover later, dubbed Legendary Editions.

Let’s watch the trailer now that we’ve raised your expectations:

The Extra Mile

Note that BioWare went all out on this game. The number of dialogues alone is mind-boggling. There are even hidden lines you can only get with specific choices or meddling with the game’s save files.

This same effort goes for the trailer as well. It features in-game footage and cinematics, exclusive dialogue for the trailer, and excellent copywriting. “Join the Fight” is a non-conventional but powerful call to action, and “Fight for the Lost” worked to the extent that it became a motto for the game.

Epic Music

So far, all the other examples featured pieces composed specifically for the trailer. Mass Effect 2’s theme, “Suicide Mission” by Jack Wall, is considered to be one of the greatest pieces of all time in video game music. This trailer should feature some of the game’s music, right? Well, it doesn’t! Surprisingly, that has worked.

Let’s take a step back first. The trailer essentially begins with shock. You’re screaming “Why just humanity?”, “What happened to Ashely?”, and “Was that the Normandy?” before the epic music hits to get you invested in the story right before you decide to buy it.

The piece is “Heart of Courage” by Two Steps From Hell, a band that specializes in trailer music. Did the possible usage of this piece elsewhere make the trailer less unique? Probably not!


That’s it for the first article out of four.

In this piece, Dead Island’s trailer was outsourced, and that of Halo Reach had significant outside help. Outsource your trailer production, and we’ll have one of those built for you!


Elahe Hosseini

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