Welcome to Pico-blog! Here, we share our insights on the latest trends, news, technologies, and techniques in the world of animation, games, and interactive media. We do our best to bring valuable information and inspiration to both industry professionals and enthusiasts. Stay tuned and feel free to join the conversations in the comments section.

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10 Animation Storytelling Principles (Expert References): Part 2

In Part 1 of our epic animation storytelling saga, we delved into the fundamental principles...

10 Animation Storytelling Principles (Expert References): Part 1

Animation is a powerful medium for visual storytelling. Arguably, the most powerful medium there is....

10 Tips to Present Your Animation IP Bible Pitch Successfully

The fourth stage of producing and pitching a successful animated series crafting and presenting your...

Craft an IP Bible That Sells in 10 Steps

So you have a brilliant idea for a new intellectual property (IP) and want to...

How to Create an Original Character: 3 Core Concepts

This is a familiar question to anyone who writes fiction, makes games or animations, or...

Animation Outsourcing: Your Concerns, Our Answers

It’s never easy to outsource! Even delegating routine, unimportant tasks calls for a certain amount...

A Full Guide to Full-Body, Full-Performance & Facial Motion Capture

Have you ever watched a movie or played a video game and wondered how the...

11 Mobile Gaming Trends in 2023: What Does Future Hold?

Gaming has come a long way since the days of bulky consoles and high-end PCs....

7 Advantages of Combining Game + Animation to Max Brand Engagement

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, brands are continually seeking innovative methods to establish a deeper...

Crafting Memorable Characters: A Design & Development Guide

Compelling characters certainly aren’t rare! However, making them takes serious effort that not everyone’s ready...

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