“Liko” is an exciting 3D animated series, created for children and adolescents. The show follows a pirate who has been imprisoned in the depths of the ocean for years, seeking revenge and causing hostility among the inhabitants of the peaceful Friendship Port. In each episode, the Buffoon ship reports a problem to the pirate, who then plans to cause damage to the port. Our team provided pre-production and IP services for this thrilling series, which is sure to keep young audiences engaged and entertained.
Project Details
Client: Picotion Animation Studio (IP)
Technology: 3D Animation
Duration: 26 * 11 Min
Audience: Children and Adolescents
sherbak is the oldest ship in the port and has gained many experience through years of sailing, and his knowledge helped everyone to make their ploblems easier (in local language sherbak means The Old Wise), he is worn out and needs serious repairing and also because he is not that resistible and old, he must use low fat fuel.
Liko is the youngest inhabitant of the port, he is very luscious and most of the times everything revolves aound him. Liko is made of fiberglass and not wood, also has got everything a ship must have. ( in local language Liko means luscious and liveliness) he is curious, hyperactive, experienced and also always looks for an oppportunity to express himself.